Saturday, October 27, 2012

Time Change

I have just penned a poem of sorts, in the hours leading up to clocks going back.
An audio version is here.

Following a wind and hail filled day,

Clouds hanging thickly, darkness wrapped around,

The last few hours, ticking slowly by.

Folk gathered together lifting a pint - thirst to quench,

Or dancing in the barns, or in their homes already set.


Clocks tick tock, steady pace,

a slow swing to and fro,

Midnight approaches,

The last few hours, ticking slowly by.

Harvest Moon will be in Pisces now,

We wait – and wait some more,

Time will not be hurried.


Soon, not long, at 2am - BS will change to GM

And as 2am approaches again

The long cold journey - drawn out evenings,

Crackling fires or the drone of central heating

With summer but a memory, but gladly still to come

Beckoning us from far ahead,

For now, Autumn and winter to enjoy.

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