Saturday, October 27, 2012

Time Change

I have just penned a poem of sorts, in the hours leading up to clocks going back.
An audio version is here.

Following a wind and hail filled day,

Clouds hanging thickly, darkness wrapped around,

The last few hours, ticking slowly by.

Folk gathered together lifting a pint - thirst to quench,

Or dancing in the barns, or in their homes already set.


Clocks tick tock, steady pace,

a slow swing to and fro,

Midnight approaches,

The last few hours, ticking slowly by.

Harvest Moon will be in Pisces now,

We wait – and wait some more,

Time will not be hurried.


Soon, not long, at 2am - BS will change to GM

And as 2am approaches again

The long cold journey - drawn out evenings,

Crackling fires or the drone of central heating

With summer but a memory, but gladly still to come

Beckoning us from far ahead,

For now, Autumn and winter to enjoy.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Robotic Life

I recently came accross this wee video...

The thought of Robo Football amuses me. Robo-shopping would be useful - but a frightening thought how they could 'stand in' for us, say.. parties, meetings - would any of us send a robot to church in our stead?

That aside though, we must take care not to robotically worship God, our creator.
Praise God from whom all blessings flow,
Praise Him all creatures here below,
Praise Him above ye heavenly host,
Praise Father , Son and Holy Ghost.