Wednesday, February 15, 2012

An eclectic crowd gathered for our Christian Writers group this week. I dug out my book and a pencil as Tom spoke, after a while he read us a chapter from his book - an amazing work in progress. My pencil started moving, I wondered how what I was drawing was inspired by what was going on in that room. We seemed to be drawing nourishment and learning through our faith roots together.

Sketch finnished I headed the writing side "Rooted in Faith", but had to stop at that point as we moved on.
I thought I had an idea of words mapped out in my head, but revisitting the page today other words poured out. Those words need reworking, as writers we are continually changing. But I think I understand now just a little of what God was prompting.

I imagined a plastic flower, designed for purpose of looking beautiful.
Sometimes they are made so well, you maybe poke and prod, 'Is it real? Is it not? I thought of a potters passion, or that of an athlete, digging deep into their hearts to produce what is best.

I can learn with my head all the facts on how to make a pot or run a race, and maybe succeed passably at either. But unless I have passion and dedication rooted in my heart and soul for potting I will not throw a masterpiece.

The plastic flower can only give an impression of being alive, a real plant has roots drawing up goodness from the ground.

It is easy to slip into a mechanical faith routine, led by the head and putting on a good display. But it's not being good at something, it is doing it for the right reason.

1 Corrinthians 9:24a Run in such a way as to get the prize.
Our race is not against anyone else, each one of us a solo runner.

I guess this makes me think, because sometimes I ponder the difference between
  • 'doing' an act of kindness because it's the way I'm ROUTED through teaching. An action to produce a result.
  • or because that's the way my heart is ROOTED in Jesus. A natural responce gaining a result.
In a worldly view, both are winners.
Colossians 2:8 See to it that no-one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the basic principles of this world rather than on Christ.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Hand Written Letters

In this technological age, letter writing by hand is fast disappearing.

I spoke to a 20 year old last week who claims NEVER to have written or received a hand written letter! Emails and Texts all the time, but she thought it must be something rather special to receive a personal letter through the post penned by hand.

When did you last send a letter, not an occasion card - birthday, anniversary etc.?

I love both sending and receiving letters, sadly for every 10 I send I maybe receive one in reply :(

I have used this picture to be the first of hopefully a year long series in the 365 Project.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Multilingual Bus

Sitting on the top deck of the bus tonight was a definite multi-cultural experience. Not a seat to spare and langauges from all 5 continents floating around. I was thinking how amazing it would be if I could hear and understand each conversation!

Made me think of an inverse biblical narative, the Holy Spirit enabling disciples to talk in the tounges of a multilingual crowd, each hearing in their own tounge. And then for Peter to stand and speak, each person able to understand.
Read the story in Acts Chapter 2, a book making up part of the Bible.

Father God, you are awesome. An awesome God indeed.